Currently I am living in a House of Ick.....the 3 Blondies have had a stomach virus...Blondie #1 got it first and she was sick for over a week....Blondie #3 woke up puking this morning and Blondie #2 threw up before lunch. Good times.... I can't tell if I'm just grossed out by the yuckiness or if I'm coming down with it now too. Probably the latter, unfortunately. Needless to say, I won't be getting much work done today. Cleaning up after 3 little ones is exhausting enough when you're completely healthy, it's pretty awful when you're sick! So I think chicken noodle soup and a movie day for the kiddos is in order. I'll be spending the day reading Falling for Hadie by Komal Lewis. See? There is always a bright side!
Author of YA fiction. Lover of all things coffee, Harry Potter (Hufflepuff!), and cats.