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My Fantasy/Paranormal YA

The Lark Trilogy

Lark (Lark #1)

*Lark is a 2013 Amazon Top 100 Favorite in Kids and Teens Kindle Books*
Now available on Amazon !

In the Shadows (Lark #2)

Now available on Amazon !

Like the Dawn (Lark #3)
Now available on Amazon !  

Now available on Amazon!

Sea Swept 
Now available on Amazon!

Riptide (Sea Swept .5)
Now available on Amazon!


  1. Do you have an idea when the next two books are going to be out? I know Lark sorta just came out but I really enjoyed it and can't wait to find out what happens next. Thanks :)

    1. Hi! I'm so glad you enjoyed LARK! Right now I do not have a set date in mind though I'm tentatively planning it's release for next winter. :)

  2. Thats too far away. Haha! Ok thanks.

    1. Ha ha! I'll do my best to get it out as soon as possible! :)

  3. I just got done reading lark! I absolutely loved it, and now I cannot wait for the next book.I will be ready and waiting for it to come out!

  4. I just finished this book and it was absolutely amazing! I loved everything about it and can't wait to read more! This has easily become one of my top 5 fave books! So ready for the next one!

  5. Omg I am totally in love with you and your book I can't wait to see what happens next

  6. Fantastic. As an author- you, my dear; ROCK. I have been getting so burnt out on so many angsty, love triangle, teeny bop, heart break novels. There are so many admirably different aspects to your book and your writing. Thank you for reminding me what its like to get pulled in, to grasp onto empathy for the heroine with both hands and sit on the edge of my seat hoping it all works out. Thank you for the fresh, and lovely reading material. Keep it up, I know you'll do great on the rest of their story!

    1. Thank you very much for the awesome compliment!

  7. I've just finished Lark and I am totally wrapped !
    I found this book accidentally on Amazon and was intrigued by the bio and am so glad I bought it. You are up there as far as I'm concerned with the likes of Elle Casey and Jason Brandt.
    Can't wait for the sequel.

    Btw greetings from Down Under....x x x

    1. Hello! Thank you very much! One of my good friends lives Down Under---fellow author Komal Kant!

  8. Loved Lark! Next one can't come out soon enough!

    1. Thank you! I promise I'm working hard! And while I'd love to get it out as quickly as possible, I also want it to be GOOD so I don't want to rush it. I hope you understand! :)

  9. Really enjoyed the book! Looking forward to the next one!!

  10. Lark was amazing! I am constantly on the lookout for a new book and the cover for Lark caught my attention. And thank goodness for that!! I loved everything about it! It was so niceto come across a book without editing errors and such a great storyline. So many books these days mirror eachother and it was refreshing to read something different! I cannot wait for book 2!

  11. I bought Lark on my kindle mostly because it was cheap, not really expecting much. But, oh my goodness, I loved this book so much! When I reached the end of it, I kept trying to turn to the next page. Sadly, there were no more. I immediately began scouring the internet to see if there would be a sequel. Thank God there will be. It can't come soon enough!!!

    1. So glad you are looking forward to reading more about Lark :)

  12. I don't usually leave commets for authors but I enjoyed this book so much, I felt I should. You did an excellent job of writing this book! It takes a lot to make me laugh in a book but there were multiple points where I laughed out loud, which was weird because I was at work and people thought I was crazy! Can't wait to read the next installments!

    1. That's great! I love hearing from readers who enjoyed my book! Thank you for taking the time to let me know!

  13. Lark was AWESOME!!!!! I am soo excited for the next book!!!! Its one top of my list of books to wait for that aren't out yet (literally) I cant wait for it to be out. It was AWESOME!!!!!

  14. Lark is now my #1fav. Book cant wait for the next i bet it will be even better do your best!!!!!

  15. Why was Grey so quickly dismissed? I don't get it- I mean I absolutly adored the book but just leaving her with Jacoby seemed like it left one feeling lacking?

    1. Will it help if I say I have a very good reason?? :)

  16. Just finished in shadows gahhhh I need book three any tentative release period

    1. Hi! I'm guessing this spring (but you know I HAVE released the first two early so don't be surprised if the same thing happens with #3) :)

  17. Just read in shadows absolutely addictive I need a book three fix lol Any tentative time of release has a draft been finished I cant wait

    1. Writing it now and I'm hoping to have it published in April :)

  18. Okay. I'm officially hooked after book 2. With all the possible scenarios to come, I can't help but say "Noooooo!". Ugh! I think I'm as heartbroken as Mia just thinking about it all. LOL...God I'm such a sap. Do you have a tentative release date for book 3? Soon would work for me! :)

    1. LOL I am guessing this spring--I have a project I'm co-writing with Komal Kant (author of Impossible and Falling for Hadie) so I'm focusing on that first but I've already started outlining and writing scenes here and there so I imagine it's out earlier than this spring but we shall see!

  19. Hope it's both this past weekend...put a real hurt on my work at home project! Looking forward to # 3!

  20. Okay. I'm a hooked to this series. I just finished the last book and I am like OMG. I am starving for the third. I hope it comes out soon. I can't wait to read more.

  21. I so hope that she and Grey will be together! I like Jacoby but Grey is so much more appealing to me!

  22. I am hooked. I read Lark and the shadows in a day and a half. Hope time goes by quickly for the release of the third book!! I can't wait!!

  23. Loved these books. I swear I am dying with inpatients for the next book! I love Jacoby but love Grey ten times more! Can't wait for number three! You did a great job on writing these!

  24. I am absolutely irrevocably in love with this trilogy! I devoured the first two books in a span of three days DURING finals week (by the way I am a senior in college studying literature, so yeah talk about ignoring my studies) I just about had a heart attack when the second book ended! I thought you were going to leave us hanging like that forever!
    I cant wait to buy the third book so happy writing! You are amazing!
    BTW I am totally Team Jacoby.. I love Grey too but he is a little too uptight with his "this isnt right" attitude, jerking Mia around like that! Jacoby is so freaking adorable!

  25. Thanks everybody for your comments! I'm so glad that you love the Lark books as much as I do! Like the Dawn (Lark #3) will be out in April! :) XOXO

  26. Just finished reading In the Shadows. Can't wait for book number three! I hope this isn't a weird thing to ask, but do you have a recommendation or two on what to read while we wait? :)

  27. Of course that's not a weird thing to ask! My favorites are anything by Richelle Mead--she writes Paranormal and Urban Fantasy. Her stories feature hot boys and strong girls which is always a fun combination. Michelle Flick's novel WALKER is a YA paranormal that I really enjoyed. As far as contemporary romances I love Autumn Doughton's books....especially On an Edge of Glass and In this Moment. Lark has been compared to Amanda Hocking's Trylle Trilogy so you'd probably enjoy that one as well. That's all I can think of right now but let me know if you need any more recommendations!

  28. when is lark book three coming out?:)

    1. Probably in April. That's what I'm guessing anyway. :)

  29. I loved the first two books in this trilogy and am very excited to read the last one. I wish you well in your writing. Thank you for sharing your talents with us!

  30. Thank you for your wonderful books! You have given inspiration to an aspiring author. Your pieces are highly addictive, I found myself immersed in their world. Thrilled for the upcoming third book! Good luck in your upcoming endeavors.

  31. u are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! i finished with your trilogy 2 months ago and i am DYING to read book #3!. Can't wait!

    1. Hi Anna! Thank you! I hope to release it in April!

  32. Hi I just finished the second one crying my eyes out for mia and jacoby I really can't wait until the third book! You're an amazing writer and I hope that your third one is as good as the rest. Do you know if it will be released to the Amazon book store?

    1. Don't despair too much for them--you never know what I have in store! ;)
      And I'm hoping to publish it in April.

  33. Lucy (your BIGGEST fan!) - First I would like to just say your AMAZING!! :) I absolutly love the lark trilogy.I have re read 'lark' and 'into the shadows' so many times I have lost count! In fact I am re reading the triolgy right now I'm up to the bit where Mia has just found out Hannahs gone missing. I can't help but love Grey (even though he's a jerk sometimes) I hope that in the next book there's hope for Mia and Grey. Even though I love Jacoby I can't help but love Grey more! I hope the next book is out soon because I don't think I can waite much longer! Hurry up Erica ;) Lark is the best book I have EVER read! Thankyou for writting such a amzing triolgy and thankyou for taking the time in reading my comment. <3

    1. Thank you Lucy! I'm working on it! Hopefully I will set a release date soon! :)

  34. I absolutely love the Lark trilogy and I can't wait for the third one! To be honest I did actually cry at the end of the second book. I really love both the characters of Grey and Jacoby. I just can't seem to make up my mind on who Mia should choose but I think I would choose Jacoby. Good luck on finishing the last book, and I can't wait to read it!

  35. It is April! Lol! Where is Lark #3 I can't wait! Love this series.

    1. LOL It's only the 9th! :) I still have time!
      No seriously though, it's finished, just waiting to be edited and my editor lost her grandfather the day before yesterday so we will start editing next week.

  36. These books are one of my absolute favorites I was jusr wondering is the editing of the third book finished because I cant wait for it

    1. Editor #1 has two chapters left to go and Editor #2 began editing this week soooooo it will be ready soon! In fact, tonight at midnight I have a post scheduled to go live with the RELEASE DATE! :) I'm excited, can you tell??? :)

  37. ahhhhhh when is the official release date?!

  38. With this series I would so want to see a movie based off of them, like I loved all the books and I can just see how the movie would go in my head and how cool the affects would be.


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