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Showing posts from December, 2013

Happy New Year's Eve!

2013--what a year! I know that I documented most of this already but I figured it would be better to have it all in one post so that years down the road when I want to remember the year I became a published author, I can find it easily and reminisce. :) January: I decided I was going to publish Lark after working on it for a year I couldn't believe how thick it was! Pretty paperbacks! February: I published my debut novel Lark #3 Bestseller in Fantasy March: I sold over 8K copies of Lark this month alone! It was insane! I haven't had that sort of success with the other two books (...yet but a girl can hope) so this was a HUGE deal for me! April: My husband tore his ACL playing in a basketball game for charity which resulted in a surgery and being off work for the next 3 months. May: Blondie #1 turned 6 Book signing at Minerva's June: I had my first book signing at Minerva's Candy Shop  I had surgery to remo

Early release of Pieces of Me means it's time for a GIVEAWAY!

I'm sure it's no surprise to anyone BUT I released PIECES OF ME over a week earlier than anticipated! Sooooooo to celebrate, I'm having a giveaway starting today and ending on Dec 31st! Enter below for your chance to win an ebook of Pieces of Me (Kindle and Nook only) BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! As a BONUS for those of you who have already purchased your copy of Pieces of Me, if you leave a review on Amazon or Barnes and Noble, let me know in the comments and I will randomly select ONE person to win a SIGNED PAPERBACK! Spread the word! a Rafflecopter giveaway

Pieces of Me: Teaser #3

This will likely be the last teaser of Pieces of Me before it's released because my fingers got a little itchy this afternoon and it's currently being "processed" ;) “ Holden, don't kiss me.”   He blows out a gush of air, tilting his head towards the star-strewn sky before looking back at me with those   crazy, intense eyes that make me feel like I'm the only girl in the entire world. “Okay, I won't kiss you. Not  today. But someday, it's going to happen.”   “I hope not. It would ruin everything,” I whisper softly.   “I disagree, because Aria, if, no when you ever decide to kiss me...” He steps closer, leaning down until our  noses practically touch before continuing, “ I can guarantee I’ll be the last guy you ever kiss.”   “Don’t hold your breath.” The words come out a little too breathy. I feel my cheeks redden in  embarrassment and silently pray he doesn’t notice. But the smirk painted on h

Pieces of Me TEASER #2

Pieces of Me  Dec 31st 2013 All the doubts that have been weighing me down for the last  few months fall away like the leafs in the autumn, making  room for the new buds of spring after the harsh cold of  winter has been lifted. I'd like to say that I am finally at a place where my heart  can finally make room for Holden but the truth is, he's been  in there all along, just waiting for the chance to bloom.  Add to Goodreads

Top 100 Customer Favorites of 2013

Lark made Amazon's Top 100 Kids & Teens Kindle Books of 2013 !!! I'm still in shock! I didn't even know this was a "thing" but I'm certainly thrilled that it is and that Lark made the list! I mean, I'm on the same list as books by Richelle Mead and Abbi Glines---two of my favorites! It's like a complete dream! Eek! That's all! I'm sure I can write something more eloquent later! Right now, I still shaking and cheesing like an idiot! Much love to you all! XOXO

Pieces of Me TEASER #1

Pieces of Me He doesn't say anything--he just pulls me into his arms and I let the waves of emotion crash down the  barriers I had so carefully constructed, smashing them to the ground with tsunami force, and I let it  because I know that Holden's arms are going to keep me upright. A years worth of tears spill onto his shirt—I didn't think it was possible to cry any more but I was  wrong. He holds me in his arms until my eyes are red and dry and my breathing is nothing more than  gasps of air and gulps as I try to regain a little of my composure. Despite the hindering hiccups, I feel  like I can breathe for the first time in a long time. “ So what does this mean?” he asks. “It means that I'm trying. Trying to be normal, to be the kind of girl who gets all giddy over her new  boyfriend, the kind of girl that smiles. But I'm not quite there yet. It means, that I'm asking for just a  little time.” “Time I can give. But Aria, do

Pieces of Me: Cover reveal and release date!

Aria Watkins’s life was on the perfect path, or so she thought. She and Sean had big plans for their future together. They were going to go off to college, get married, and have 2.5 kids. But when tragedy strikes, it destroys the heart of Aria and she's afraid she'll never be the same. Heartbroken and confused, Aria starts college a completely different person. She hardly recognizes the broken girl she's become, but she can't seem to find the strength  to put back together the pieces either. Enter Holden Whitmore. He's charming, considerate, and he's making it his mission to make her smile. At first, she isn’t impressed with him, but he’s persistent and soon she discovers there’s more to him than just a charming smile.  Aria was sure she'd never be able to move on with her life, but there's just something about Holden that makes her want to try. When her tragedy comes full circle, she’s left with a choice: Keep holding on to the pas

Tentative schedule for 2014

So I've actually accomplished a lot this week!I finished writing Pieces of Me. I'm just waiting for the last bit of notes from my beta readers and then I'll be sending it to Jenny at Editing4Indies--this is the first time I've had an actual editor so I'm excited! Once I finish final edits, I'll pick a release date and share the new cover. Komal Kant is in town this week. We've been working on the book we're co-writing, UNFAMILIAR. We've done a lot of character development, worked out a detailed outline and tweaking the plot. It's going to be amazing and I can't wait. We've written up to chapter 3 so far. Then last night while we were watching World War Z, I had some MAJOR inspiration (Weird, I know. And no, the inspiration is not at all zombie-related). You know how I started Lark and In the Shadows with a dream? Well, I wanted to continue that with Like the Dawn. I knew what/who I wanted her to dream about but I wasn't sure HOW