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Showing posts from March, 2017

Latest release and current WIP(s)

Chasing Polaris has been out for about two months now! I'm not sure how that happened but time never seems to slow down! If you haven't picked it up yet I hope you will because I love Imogen and Seth! Their story is so fun! I guarantee you will laugh out loud! I'm currently on Spring Break so I'm looking forward to getting a lot of writing done. So naturally the need to spring clean came over me. I cleaned out the dog room, painted said dog room and reorganized my closet and dresser as well as my husband's. Hopefully all that cleaning nonsense is out of my system and I can focus now! I was able to write this afternoon and I'm planning on staying up late tonight since I have NO plans tomorrow which means I can sleep in. :) It's the little things! I have two WIP at the moment but I've already noticed myself focusing more on one than the other so even though I had planned on finishing THESE BROKEN DREAMS first, it looks like PAPER FLOWERS will be my n...