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Showing posts from February, 2015

Steering the Stars

Hola friends! So I happened to notice the last time I posted was in SEPTEMBER. How ridiculous is that? My apologies! So here's my bi-yearly (really sorry about that) update! I have a good excuse, really I do! First I was busy finishing up Sea Swept which I published, along with the companion short story, Riptide,  in Nov! Then Autumn Doughton and I immediately started working on Steering the Stars. It started off as our NaNoWriMo project but what started off as a novella quickly expanded into the longest novel either of us have written to date. Between writing, holidays and illnesses in Dec, we didn't get the first draft finished until January. But it's finished now! I actually submitted the paperback files about an hour ago! We will be publishing STEERING THE STARS on March 7th! It's got a Sisterhood of the Traveling pants meet Anna and the French Kiss sort of vibe going on and I really love it! I hope you will too! Autumn and I both attended NOLA 2015 Author