Check out this Lark Inspired Etsy Treasury Jessica Woody put together: Pretty awesome, right? I love it to pieces! Still working on In the Shadows but my good friend Michelle Flick is editing it from the beginning already which I'm hoping allows me to publish pretty quickly after finishing up the last few chapters (there will be 20 total.). I just sent her chapters 8-12. I finished up chapter 13 yesterday and my plan is to finish writing chapter 14 today. I already have the remaining chapters "started" (some more than others) so it's just a matter of "finishing" them and making sure I've tied up most of the loose ends (I promise, I'll never write a cliffhanger) while setting up for the third and final book. It's definitely coming along! Tonight I'm going to see The Mortal Instruments with my friend Sarah--super excited! I started re...
Author of YA fiction. Lover of all things coffee, Harry Potter (Hufflepuff!), and cats.