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Showing posts from April, 2015

My "process"

The other day I realized something about myself--a pattern of sorts if you will. It takes me approximately 3-4 months to write a book and then after I publish it takes me a month to "reboot". Weird right? I mean, I'm like clockwork, but I'll get to that in a minute. You see, I had been feeling like such a SLACKER lately because I hadn't had that need to write that I feel when I'm working on something. Honestly all I've wanted to do was binge watch TV shows (damn you, Netflix!) and clean...okay, maybe it's not so much that I WANTED to clean as much as I NEEDED to clean because we are in the process of selling our house so obviously I need it to be "show ready" at all times (which is challenging when you usually have 5 kids, 3 dogs and 3 cats in your home). My point is, if I wasn't binge watching a show, I was cleaning my house. Sometimes both at the same time because I like to multitask. Anyway, so yeah, I hadn't written anything si

The Story of the Missing Scarf (and a giveaway!)

  Erica: I have been coveting these Storiarts scarfs for AGES! Then after Autumn wore hers to NOLA in January I decided I MUST have one. I told my husband it was what I wanted for my birthday this year and it would be perfectly fine with me if he got it a little early (*cough*now*cough*). Autumn: If it wasn’t obvious from my posts, I LOVED working with Erica on StS. Writing with her was like being at an extended slumber party. For months and months we chatted all day while we exchanged ideas and worked—her from Missouri and me from Florida. We were already good friends but co-writing the book solidified what I already suspected… Erica and I are destined to be lifelong friends and we make each other better. As we got closer to release date, I wanted to give her something symbolic to express this feeling and I remembered that she loved my Pride and Prejudice scarf. So I ordered one for her and got an adorable card and planned to send it to her house so it would arrive be