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Showing posts from July, 2013

I accidentally finished a novel.

Last weekend I finished the first draft of a contemporary romance entitled Fall into Me . Whoops! You might remember in my post about my diagnosis that I cancelled my self-imposed deadline of finishing the first draft of In the Shadows until after my 2nd surgery to remove the rest of my thyroid (Stupid cancer). So I was relaxing and reading and watching a lot of really bad TV but because I think it's important to still write something every day, I went back through my two other manuscripts I started last fall (while Lark was in the beta reading/editing stage). I found myself casually writing a little here and a little there and before I knew it, I finished one. This was not what I was intending to do at this point, it just sort of happened. I knew I was close to finishing that particular one but I was going to finish In the Shadows first.   Hence my 'Whoops'! What about In the Shadows , you ask? Well, as you know I wanted to stay as stress free as possible and wr

My Week

Monday: Missed my 5:30am alarm because my phone died so I didn't get to eat breakfast. Which meant that by my 2pm surgery, I was STARVING. Surgery was postponed until 3 (and my stomach tried to eat itself). Complained about the lack of REAL food on my tray when I woke up but that was remedied when I ate the wonderful bread my neighbors brought me (Bread is my favorite) while watching Switched at Birth. Tuesday: Discharge from the hospital. Came home and slept. Watched Pretty Little Liars. Slept some more. Took a shower. Went to bed. Wednesday: Woke up at 9am, read The Sea of Tranquility until noon. Spent the rest of the day talking about how wonderful it was to everybody that would listen (and even to those who didn't want to. Sorry Karlie) Thursday: Woke up at 9am, wrote and almost forgot to take the girls to VBS. Whoops.  (But on the plus side, I'm almost finished with the first draft of Fall Into Me). Remembered to pick the girls up on time and the

Big Announcement!!

Komal Kant and I are writing a book! No surprise there? Of course not, because what else would we be doing, right? Well, what if I told you we were writing one.....wait for it....... TOGETHER? Yep! We have been brainstormng for about a month now and when she comes to visit in November we plan to start writing it. It will be a NA contemporary romance with dual POVs and we can't wait to start it! We don't have a cover yet because we are having a photoshoot in November and then Eden Crane will be working her magic after that. (Eden Crane designed the cover of Lark as well as all of Komal's books... Echoes of Melody is my current favorite cover! You should check it out!) BUT we do have a title and a blurb! Unfamiliar By Erica Cope and Komal Kant Hailey Peters has always held onto the familiar. From the way she wears her hair, to dating her childhood friend-turned high school sweetheart--she sticks with what she knows, and she’s convinced herself that

Cover Reveal: Echoes of Melody by Komal Kant

This may be my absolute favorite of Komal's covers so far! I mean, just look at it! It's great! And I've read the first chapter of the book and I can tell you right now, it's going to be amaze-balls! Eden Crane is a genius! Echoes of Melody by Komal Kant is a coming-of-age story where being normal isn’t everything it’s cut out to be. This Young Adult Contemporary novel is set to release in 2014, and is told from the eyes of a teenage boy who has a unique perspective on life. This is not one of those conventional love stories. It’s not one where the guy has a six-pack and all the girls drool over him and want to have his babies. I know this because I’m the guy and I’m pretty unimpressive as far as guys go. I don’t even have a one-pack. This isn’t a story where the girl is a perfect female specimen who blushes and bites her lip and wants to make your life better. Nope. The girl is pretty freaking messed up. Also, she has an unhealthy attachment t

Book Bash 2013

My best friend Elizabeth, our husbands and I road tripped to Orlando for Book Bash! We left super early Friday morning (5am) and checked into The Doubletree by Hilton at Universal Studios Saturday morning at 3am. We were pooped BUT we were way too excited for Book Bash that we still woke up pretty early. We hit up Starbucks then Books-a-Million before kissing our husbands good-bye and waiting in line with all the other fan-girls. Autumn Doughton met us there and we had a blast with our Flat Komal Kant (I couldn't go to Book Bash without her!) It was crazy in there! It was a little overwhelming actually but we made our rounds and didn't get smashed so I consider that a success. (I'm kind of a shrimp so getting smashed is always an unfortunate possibility) We got our picture taken with the fabulous Katja Millay and I'm LOVING Sea of Tranquility right now. I came home with lots of swag! Including these AWESOME shirts that Liz and I found at Books-a-Milli

200+ Reviews = Giveaway!

Hey ya'll! So I got back from Book Bash super early this morning (we drove. Seriously.) and I was so excited when I checked Amazon and saw that I had 201 reviews for Lark! So I'm giving away a signed paperback of Lark to one of the wonderful people who took the time to leave a review. If you left one and are interested in a signed copy, head on over to my facebook page  and leave me a comment! I'll announce a winner tomorrow morning!