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Showing posts from May, 2014

Cover Reveal: Sea Swept

Even though it will be early next year before I publish this so it's probably really early to reveal the cover, I am anyway! I'm a rebel like that! No seriously, I have a good reason. :) Since I'm naming the main character in Sea Swept after my daughter Addie, it seemed only fitting to reveal the cover and blurb on her birthday! So Happy 7th Birthday Addie-cakes! Here's the cover to YOUR story:            Addie McKay has always had an intense fear of the water. For as long as she can remember, she has had terrifying nightmares of drowning so she's made it a habit to avoid the ocean at all costs —which made growing up with the Atlantic Ocean in her backyard rather difficult.          At fifteen years old, all of her friends spend their free time swimming in the cove behind her house, but Addie just can't make herself get that close to the sea. She prefers to stay dry on the sand where the risk of actually drowning is impossible.          She'

Oops I did it again guessed finger got a little trigger happy last night and I published LIKE THE DAWN early! Is anyone really surprised? LOL It's already live on Amazon and I'll let you know as soon as it's live on Barnes and Noble! The trilogy is complete! All books are currently .99 but they won't stay that price for long so grab them while they are cheap! Lark In the Shadows Like the Dawn

Are you ready for Like The Dawn?!

As you know, LIKE THE DAWN is releasing SUNDAY! *squeal!* I've never done any sort of release day giveaway so I thought I'd plan something this time and hope that it's a good one! LOL So on release day, I'm going to do 4 giveaways spaced out throughout the day and probably lasting until Monday or Tuesday since I know Facebook is weird sometimes about letting people see posts. What's up for grabs? Well, THREE lucky winners will win a swag pack including: Signed Lark Trilogy Postcard Lark themed bracelet Author Erica Cope pen The Lark Trilogy silicone wristband One of Lark's favorite chocolate-dipped chocolate chip granola bars AND ONE lucky winner will win a signed set of the entire Lark trilogy! How will you enter? I'm going to make a status for each giveaway and all you have to do is comment with a screenshot or some other proof that you bought LIKE THE DAWN and bam! You're entered! Easy enough, right? LIKE THE DAWN will release

Cover Reveal: GONE by Michelle Flick

  Tess Waters’ life is perfect. She has everything she’s ever wanted all wrapped up in her boyfriend Alec.  But Alec has a different plan and one day, he’s gone. Tess is devastated.  She doesn’t remember how to be herself and she doesn’t want to.  Her family believes she needs to move on and get over him.  It’s easier said than done.  Tess doesn’t know where to begin because everywhere she turns, she thinks of Alec.  She doesn’t think this heartbreak will ever stop. Eventually, Tess finds comfort in places she never realized she had.  From there she discovers a person she never knew she could be. Cover Design: Sprinkles on Top Expected Release: July 2014 Super excited about this new release from Michelle! I've read it already and it's such a good story! I can't wait for the rest of the world to get to experience it too! GONE is now on Goodreads so make sure you add it! About the Author: Michelle Flick lives in western New York with her

Teaser Tuesday!


Like the Dawn: 3 Fun Facts

1. When I originally was outlining Like the Dawn , Klaus and Hugo were originally Kristoff and Hans. If you have small children and/or are a Disney fanatic (or both like me!), you might recognize those names.   (For those of you without children or a particular fondness for Disney, Google the movie FROZEN) I ultimately decided to change their names since I already had an Elsa in there and that was just too much. 2. Without revealing any spoilers...the ending was how I envisioned the series ending when I first thought of it BUT at some point while writing In the Shadows, I almost second-guessed myself and considered writing a completely different ending. Ultimately, I went with my original plan....though I did toy with the idea of writing out the alternative ending and letting readers choose which version they wanted to read. LOL But that seemed pretty complicated. 3.Some of my google searches while writing Like the Dawn included: * How to win a sword fight * How to correctly

Teaser Tuesday (and a release date!)