Even though it will be early next year before I publish this so it's probably really early to reveal the cover, I am anyway! I'm a rebel like that! No seriously, I have a good reason. :) Since I'm naming the main character in Sea Swept after my daughter Addie, it seemed only fitting to reveal the cover and blurb on her birthday! So Happy 7th Birthday Addie-cakes! Here's the cover to YOUR story: Addie McKay has always had an intense fear of the water. For as long as she can remember, she has had terrifying nightmares of drowning so she's made it a habit to avoid the ocean at all costs —which made growing up with the Atlantic Ocean in her backyard rather difficult. At fifteen years old, all of her friends spend their free time swimming in the cove behind her house, but Addie just can't make herself get that close to the sea. She prefers to stay dry on the sand where the...
Author of YA fiction. Lover of all things coffee, Harry Potter (Hufflepuff!), and cats.