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Showing posts from March, 2014

Blog Hop! My Writing Process

It's time for a Blog Hop! I LOVE these things! I was tagged by PA Warren who just published her first book LIFE AFTER. It's pretty straight forward--just answer the questions and tag two other authors. :) Fun stuff!  What am I working on? Currently I'm working on the final installment of the Lark trilogy, Like the Dawn . I'm almost finished writing my first draft--like 5,000 words away! How does my work differ from others of its genre? Hmmmm.....well, I hope that my work is different because I'M different. :) I write YA Fantasy with a hint of comedy and romance. I also have two college-age romance books out right now (one I co-wrote with the amazing Komal Kant) and even though it's super popular right now, I can't make myself write a graphic sex scene--I blush and get all awkward about it so my NA books are clean with just a hint of steaminess. Why do I write what I do? Because I think I might secretly be a teenager in an *almost* 30-year-old b...

A New WIP!

Don't worry! I'm not starting to work on this yet--I'm still finishing up Like the Dawn ! BUT I did have an idea the other day that I had to write down for my next book because it wouldn't let me concentrate on anything else until I did. You see, Lark is named after my youngest daughter. Mia started off as a "filler" name until I found the perfect name and then it ended up being perfect so it stuck. Well, my oldest daughter was very upset that I didn't write HER a book. Sooooooooooo I told her I would some day, but I had no idea when because honestly, I didn't really have any inspiration for another fantasy story until recently. The other day my husband forced me to watch this "documentary" on the Animal Planet about how mermaids are real and he was really getting into it. Like, seriously convinced that mermaids are real and everything so I teased him and said my next book I'd write about mermaids just for him. I was mostly joking--I...

Teaser Tuesday: Like the Dawn (Lark #3)

          Time for another teaser! (Seriously can't stop staring at this's so pretty! I can't believe it's mine! Eden did an amazing job. It's totally my favorite of the three. The colors and the whimsical feel--I just adore it.) Okay enough about my cover....scroll on down for the teaser!                      He smiles as though he's humoring me but I can tell he wants this. He wants to open himself up to me. And the more he talks, the easier it is to picture it—my life with him. He's good and kind and he loves me. I know that he would do anything for me, but I fear he may be right—because as easy as it is to picture being happy with him, I know that it's just as likely to end in heartbreak. Especially now that my heart has been changed and I'm not really sure where he fits any more.         But it is still nice,...

Teaser Tuesday: Like the Dawn (Lark #3)

Unedited and subjected to change of course's a little teaser from Like the Dawn! “Of course you aren't required to take a husband—not yet anyway—but everyone knows that males are naturally more competent rulers so it just makes sense.” “What's that supposed—” “And on that note—Princess, shall I escort you to your seat?” Grey steers me away quickly before I do something stupid like punch Blaise in the face. Males are more competent rulers? Is he serious? There is just something about stupid boys that makes me turn violent. Somewhere in the back of my mind I hear Jacoby chuckling. I halt my steps and Grey turns back to see what's wrong. “It's nothing. Just the voices in my head distracting me like normal.” “Mia, you know that's not exactly 'normal',” he says with that crooked smile that I love.

St. Patrick's Day Giveaway!

Join your favorite YA and NA authors as we celebrate being Irish for a day and play on Pinterest. There will be over 45 e-book giveaways!  You can join the Facebook party  HERE ! You won't want to miss it! Participating Authors: Lila Felix     A. W. Exley    Melissa Pearl     Jessica Gibson  Cindy M. Hogan    Sarah Ashley Jones    Marie Landry    Rachel Morgan    Jennifer Snyder   Stacey Marie Brown    Jessica Therrien   D.L. Raver   Stacey Wallace Benefiel    Marilyn Almodóvar    Angee Taylor  A.O. Peart   Devyn Dawson    Rick Chiantaretto   Raine Thomas  L.P. Dover    Tamara Hart Heiner    Leigh T Moore    Meradeth Houston    Amber Argyle   Tawdra Kandle    Carlyle Labuschagne   Lisa Collicutt Christy Dorrity  Stephanie F...


Hey guys! I just wanted to clear up some confusion. Goodreads has listed two books by another Erica Cope as being mine. THEY ARE NOT. "New Beginnings" and "A Heart full of Love" are NOT written by me. I don't know why this is happening. I've had a Goodreads Librarian delete "New Beginnings" from my books twice now but it keeps popping up and today the other book popped up as being mine as well. Just didn't want anyone to be confused! If it's not listed on my blog, it's not mine. :)


Unfamiliar just went LIVE! We hope you one-click it, read it and hopefully even leave a review it for us! We can't wait to hear what you think!