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Showing posts from April, 2016

New Job

In February I was offered a position at the local high school working with Seniors who are at risk for not graduating on time. It's only a part time job which I thought was perfect because I'd still have time to write during the day. Well, it's true, I still have had time to write but it's been at a much slower pace. Which is fine. I had decided this year to focus on balancing things in my life better, and well, not staying up until 3 in the morning writing every night seemed like a pretty good place to start. And it's been GREAT! I love working with the students. I was kind of surprised that I love it as much as I do. I always figured I'd be more of an early childhood or elementary kind of person but nope, this is the population I was meant to work with. Which I guess sort of makes sense--I do WRITE Young Adult stories after all. :) Here's the thing, most of these students haven't had the best support systems in their lives. Not all ...