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5 Things About Me

1. I was the captain of my high school cheerleading squad AND a huge nerd. I definitely wasn't one of the "cool" kids but I was a pretty good cheerleader (even was voted "Most School Spirit" and "Most likely to be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader" for Senior Choice Awards LOL). But instead of spending my weekends getting invited to parties and hanging out with the popular kids like one would expect of a cheerleader--I was either working at the movie theater or reading a book. Sound familiar? ;)
I also have ridiculously curly hair.

2. For an entire decade I read the entire Harry Potter series on a continuous loop so when I say I've read each of those books at least 100 times--I'm not exaggerating. I'm obsessed. I even have my own wand! When a UK reviewer compared my books to the Harry Potter series on Amazon, it totally made my year! Best compliment EVER.

3. My husband owns more shoes than I do. True story. I prefer to be barefoot.

4. I'm a total city girl when it comes to most things but I want to live on a farm. Some day it'll happen. Not a huge farm but we definitely want a bigger garden and chickens and ducks (we raised ducks last spring and the kids loved it!)
From left to right: Quincy, Milly, Daisy and Gus

5.  Whenever anybody would ask "What do you want to be when you grow up?" I always said something expected like a "teacher" or a "doctor" or a "Psychologist" BUT the only thing I ever wanted to do was be a writer and a stay at home mom. I didn't want to admit to either of those things though because I thought people would react negatively and I'm a people-pleaser at heart. Now I'm BOTH of those things and I'm the happiest girl in the world!

Want to play along? Introduce yourself and tell me 5 things about you in the comments!



  1. 1. I was (and kind of still am) obsessed with the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I own every season on DVD
    2. I was born cross-eyed and had correction surgery when I was two. I still have a little bit of a crazy eye though lol
    3. I hate clowns.
    4. I'm mildly allergic to tomatoes and avocados but I REALLY love them and still eat them. I just get itchy skin and, oddly, an itchy mouth.
    5. I worked at a coffee shop for 7 years and I miss it a lot. One day I hope to open my own.


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