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Blog Tour: walker by Michelle Flick

I'm so excited that I'm the first stop on the WALKER Blog Tour! I love this book--and the cover is gorgeous:

Kate isn’t thrilled to be moving to the middle of nowhere. She's already lost her parents, now she's leaving the only place she's ever known as home. She’s not there long when she realizes her dreams aren’t her own and that she has the ability to walk through other people's dreams. Not only that, but she might have found her dream guy--literally. He's in her dreams.

Just when she starts to get the hang of dream walking, strange murders in her new town start to occur. Girls are being killed as they sleep with no evidence, no suspects and no clear motive behind the deaths. It doesn’t take Kate very long to realize that the girls aren’t just being killed as they sleep—they’re being killed in their sleep.

Kate must figure out how to find the killer in the real world and keep the ones she loves safe while they sleep.

You can get your copy of WALKER at  Amazon

And for the first stop of the WALKER Blog Tour, I thought it would be fun to do an interview with one of my favorite characters--Elise! Elise is Kate's best friend in Walker.

 Thanks for stopping by today Elise! Let’s start off easy – What’s your favorite song?
Currently? Lady Gaga’s Applause. Because let’s face it – I live for the applause.

Speaking of applause--why did you quit cheerleading?

You may not have noticed this about me but I say a lot of inappropriate things. Like JCru wasn’t  actually a blonde. That she’s dumber than a box of rocks. That she smells worse than the boys’ locker room. She got mad. I wasn’t even being nasty – just honest. And that that vapid, tyrannical she-devil  decided I was going to be on “bad" list which brought on the rumor that I was sleeping with every member of the basketball team. So that made me mad so I slept with the basketball team and quit

What was it like being the focus of a serial killer?

You mean besides terrifying?  It was crazy. I was scared to go to the bathroom by myself. And then Kate tells me to knock myself out when I go to sleep. What would you do if you woke up with bruises and all the other girls were dying in their sleep? 

Wait--you know they died in their sleep?



Well, that whole thing with Kate was off, so I bugged the crap out of her and threatened to go be friends with JCru if she didn’t tell me. I felt like I was crazy and knew she knew something. And she was holding out. 

What did you think she was hiding? 

 Definitely not dream walking. I thought she was a peeping tom, the actual killer, and one ticket away from the loony bin. 

 So now that you know everything – what about Nick?

You mean the hottie that smooches my best friend? Him. He’s a good guy. He’s thoughtful and sweet and not just to Kate, to me too. They spend a lot of time together, but he includes me too and he can handle my comments. Not everyone can, ya know?

Thanks for hanging out Elise! 

If you want to get to know Elise even better, be sure to check out WALKER by Michelle Flick. 

For a chance to win your very own copy, enter the Giveaway!

About the author:

Michelle Flick lives in Western New York with her family. She teaches 8th grade ELA and is a lover of coffee, dogs, and music. You can find Michelle on Facebook, twitter and on her blog:

About the dog:

Fergie is real! She is a 5-year-old collie. She hates tiled floors, loves the outside, and is never far from her family members. She is as loving and loyal as the Fergie in the novel!



  1. So very exciting! Loved the interview with Elise! She is one of my favorite characters in Walker. I'm very excited for Michelle. Walker is a great read. Seeing your blog tour post has me even more enthused for my stop on January 9th.


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