Don't worry! I'm not starting to work on this yet--I'm still finishing up Like the Dawn! BUT I did have an idea the other day that I had to write down for my next book because it wouldn't let me concentrate on anything else until I did.
You see, Lark is named after my youngest daughter. Mia started off as a "filler" name until I found the perfect name and then it ended up being perfect so it stuck.
Well, my oldest daughter was very upset that I didn't write HER a book. Sooooooooooo I told her I would some day, but I had no idea when because honestly, I didn't really have any inspiration for another fantasy story until recently.
The other day my husband forced me to watch this "documentary" on the Animal Planet about how mermaids are real and he was really getting into it. Like, seriously convinced that mermaids are real and everything so I teased him and said my next book I'd write about mermaids just for him.
I was mostly joking--I've never even read a book about mermaids before so obviously I've never really been interested in them but all of a sudden, I had an idea.
I laid in bed talking to Zach about my new idea (and he offered up his own ideas--none of which were any good) and found that I couldn't go to sleep (an all too familiar problem for me, if you remember this.). So I got up, got my notebook and the first writing utensil I could find (this time it was a blue Sharpie) and wrote down my idea.
The next day I wrote a two page outline and MAY have possibly bought the future book's cover already because my daughter saw it and loved it and since this one is her book, I figured she should get a say.
Remember how I said before that after I finished Like the Dawn I was going to take the summer off? Yeah, that's not going to happen now! I'll be working on a story about a girl named Addie who just happens to be a mermaid.
Now that this new story has a title, a cover and a good outline I'll be able to focus on Like the Dawn again (I swear I only took a day off! LOL) and crank out these last 5,000 words before I can officially start the editing process. But after I press "publish" on this blog post, you probably won't see me around much until I write "the end"--it's time to really focus on finishing Lark's story and making it the best of the three!
You see, Lark is named after my youngest daughter. Mia started off as a "filler" name until I found the perfect name and then it ended up being perfect so it stuck.
Well, my oldest daughter was very upset that I didn't write HER a book. Sooooooooooo I told her I would some day, but I had no idea when because honestly, I didn't really have any inspiration for another fantasy story until recently.
The other day my husband forced me to watch this "documentary" on the Animal Planet about how mermaids are real and he was really getting into it. Like, seriously convinced that mermaids are real and everything so I teased him and said my next book I'd write about mermaids just for him.
I was mostly joking--I've never even read a book about mermaids before so obviously I've never really been interested in them but all of a sudden, I had an idea.
I laid in bed talking to Zach about my new idea (and he offered up his own ideas--none of which were any good) and found that I couldn't go to sleep (an all too familiar problem for me, if you remember this.). So I got up, got my notebook and the first writing utensil I could find (this time it was a blue Sharpie) and wrote down my idea.
The next day I wrote a two page outline and MAY have possibly bought the future book's cover already because my daughter saw it and loved it and since this one is her book, I figured she should get a say.
Remember how I said before that after I finished Like the Dawn I was going to take the summer off? Yeah, that's not going to happen now! I'll be working on a story about a girl named Addie who just happens to be a mermaid.
Now that this new story has a title, a cover and a good outline I'll be able to focus on Like the Dawn again (I swear I only took a day off! LOL) and crank out these last 5,000 words before I can officially start the editing process. But after I press "publish" on this blog post, you probably won't see me around much until I write "the end"--it's time to really focus on finishing Lark's story and making it the best of the three!
That sounds like a great idea for a book!!!! Love your writing and how invested I get in the emotions of your characters. Happy writing!