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Sorry for being such a slacker blogger! Actually I've kinda been a slacker when it comes to all social media lately. :/
I'm still working on Like the Dawn. It's been a much slower process this time around because not only did both my #1 editor and my #2 editor lose family members recently, I had an abnormal scan last Tuesday (my first annual scan post cancer and it's abnormal--boo!), so I've been a little stressed out about that.
I had a biopsy done yesterday and I should hear more by Friday--why do they make us wait so long for results?
Anyway, so since Heather and Maya were both unable to start editing right away, I decided to do another read through of my own and I've been adding in some bits and pieces as I go so it's taking me a while to get through it. My goal is to finish my read through by Friday (shooting for earlier) and send it to both of them this weekend.
Bad news is: an April release is not likely....good news is: it's almost May and it WILL be released sometime next month so YAY!
This July I'll be starting Sea Swept...I usually need about a month to recoup after a release so I'll be spending June just THINKING about the new I'm usually constantly checking Amazon and Goodreads for reviews the first few weeks after I release a book so I can't really concentrate on anything else the first month after a release. Yes, I read reviews...all of them...even the bad ones...I have thick skin.Okay not really, but I don't get my feelings hurt over bad reviews.
And I have way more good reviews than bad so it's easy to keep things in perspective.

As sad as I am to be saying good bye to Lark, I'm super excited to start a new adventure...and a little nervous, but I think that's probably normal.
Oh! And just so you know Sea Swept will more than likely be a stand alone novel...unless Komal Kant manages to convince me otherwise. ;) As of right now though, I'm saying stand alone.
After Sea Swept I have two (yes TWO!) contemporary romances I'll have to decide between for my next project. I guess we'll just see which characters demand my attention first.
Well, that's all I have for now! I'm going to fix dinner (have to feed the Blondies after all) and then I'll be editing for the rest of the evening so all of you will soon have Like the Dawn in your hands!



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