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Late night ramblings from a sleep deprived writer

I always have good intentions.
I always plan on blogging more and sending out my newsletter once a month and then life happens and I forget. But I'm still here! Working and writing and now COACHING too!
Yep, in addition to being the new Learn Lab Director, I'm also the head cheerleading coach so I've been busy!
And I'm not going to lie, it's been a challenge to try to balance everything (there's my word of the year!). I went from being able to take my time waking up in the mornings, catching up on emails while drinking my coffee and get some writing in sporadically throughout the day as inspiration hit, but now I'm chugging my morning coffee as I get dressed for work and lucky to squeeze in 30 minutes of writing time a day.

After work is cheer practice, then dinner, then finally some writing time, then cleaning/tidying up and if I'm lucky I'll squeeze in some reading before bed. It's been exhausting. I keep waiting to get accustomed to this new normal but we are a month in and I still feel like crying most days from the stress (heck, I cried TODAY over something as stupid as having to reschedule my kids' parent teacher conferences because now I have to do my own parent teacher conferences with my students' parents and for some reason I hadn't even thought about it yet!)

I'll get used to it I'm sure but going from being a stay at home mom/writer to working mom/writer hasn't been super easy.

This past weekend I attended the Thunder Valley Author Event in OKC. It had an amazing turn out and I sold lots of books which is always a good feeling but my favorite part of the weekend was spending it with 3 of my most favorite people on earth:

You have NO idea how bad I fan-girled. I ADORE this lady! Her Timberwolves trilogy is one of my absolute all time favorites. I was completely tickled to get a signed copy of the collection and to meet her in person. I've been a HUGE fan of hers for YEARS!

Can you see me gushing? LOL I was annoyingly giddy but it's okay, because I GOT TO MEET TAMMY BLACKWELL! :)

If you follow me on Facebook (which, let's be real, MOST of you follow me over there. I'm not sure if I even have readers over here anymore! That's what I get for being such a slacker blogger!), you know that NIGHTINGALE is being released in ONE WEEK! Yep! One week from today and all you Team Grey people out there will finally get your fix.

Cover designed by Eden Crane Design. Preorder here!

Autumn and I are working on Chasing Polaris (our third collaboration) and I'm finishing up a short story for an anthology that I'm pretty sure is due next month so I better get on it. But pretty is this cover? I love it so much!

Cover designed by Eden Crane Design

After that I have another solo project idea lined up that I'm pretty excited about called These Broken Dreams but more about that one later! I like planning ahead but I don't want to get too far ahead of myself!

Cover designed by White Rabbit Book Design
So that's what's happening in my world! Super excited for you guys to read NIGHTINGALE. I have been pretty worried about this story up until now but I'm starting to get excited. Of course, ask me again on release day and I might feel totally different (I'll probably want to throw up! LOL)



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